Why our AI First Venture Deployment Model for the Real Economy

Artificial intelligence as a general-purpose technology and its
J-curve impact.

Exponential returns in the form of efficiency gains, cost reductions, and new business models.

The competitive edge of AI

Like earlier GPTs such as electricity and the internet, AI is following a transformative trajectory.

A key feature of this transformation is the J-curve effect, where initial productivity growth appears slow, or even declines, due to the significant early investments required in infrastructure and intangible assets. However, once these investments are in place, the economy begins to experience substantial productivity gains, marking the upward swing of the J-curve.

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A Double-Edged Sword

The “Winner Takes Almost All” Phenomenon

Under this paradigm, the digital economy becomes increasingly characterized by extreme market concentration, and AI -as a GPT- intensifies this dynamic while simultaneously presenting new opportunities. On one hand, AI-driven automation, predictive analytics, and decision-making capabilities give an edge to those with access to vast data and computational power. However, AI also offers a paradoxical promise: democratization. As AI tools become more accessible and user-friendly, smaller firms and startups can leverage the same technological breakthroughs to create novel products and services, disrupting traditional incumbents.

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A New Economic Dialogue

Daily Life in Digital Markets

As AI becomes more integrated into everyday digital markets, the relationship between human and AI agents will increasingly resemble a form of collaborative symbiosis, where each relies on the other's strengths to achieve economic goals. Human agents will bring their creativity, intuition, and ethical judgment to the table, while AI agents will offer speed, scale, and data-driven insights. As AI agents take on an increasingly active role as collaborators in a shared economic space, orchestrating these interactions will be critical. To support these complex interactions, orchestration spaces —environments designed for seamless human-AI collaboration— will need to evolve. These spaces will take on three forms: physical spaces, where human workers and AI systems collaborate in real-time; digital spaces, where human agents interact with AI through platforms and interfaces; and hybrid spaces, where the boundaries between the physical and digital blur.

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A New Frontier for Early-Stage Ventures

The Role of Tokenization

The emergence of decentralized finance (DeFi) is revolutionizing early-stage venture financing. By democratizing access to capital, streamlining inefficiencies, and promoting transparency, DeFi introduces a fresh model for how ventures can raise funds and scale. Tokenization, decentralized crowdfunding, and automated capital deployment allow ventures to bypass traditional gatekeepers, engaging directly with a global network of investors. At its core, DeFi empowers early-stage ventures with unprecedented speed, flexibility, and autonomy, enabling them to tap into decentralized liquidity pools and fuel their growth more efficiently.

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The Rise of the Retail Investor

Democratization and Technological Catalysts

The emergence of retail investors, particularly within the realm of early-stage ventures, brings with it a set of complex behavioral dynamics. This evolving paradigm introduces both fluidity and volatility, fundamentally reshaping the early-stage venture landscape. The ascent of retail investors represents a significant shift—one that is as exhilarating as it is challenging. For early-stage ventures, the growing influence of this investor class necessitates a rethinking of traditional business models and fundraising strategies. Retail investor behavior, driven by optimism, speculation, and social influence, can lead to substantial fluctuations in valuation and capital availability. Navigating this new reality requires early-stage ventures to master not only traditional financial principles but also the fluid dynamics of a retail-driven investment ecosystem. Ventures that can harness the energy of retail investors—while mitigating the risks of short-termism and volatility—will be well-positioned to thrive in an increasingly distributed, diverse, and dynamic financial landscape.

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The Orchestration Imperative

A New Frontier for Early-Stage Ventures.

The emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) as a General Purpose Technology (GPT) marks the beginning of a new era in the real economy, where computational power and machine learning merge with human ingenuity to unlock unprecedented opportunities for innovation, growth, and transformation.

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