- Venture :Medicasa Care
- Venture Stage :Beta
- Current State :MVP Prototyping
- Stage Goal :Beachhead Market MVP
- Time to Goal :30 Weeks
- Venture Deals :Open
- Alfa Login Page : medicasacare.com

MedicasaCare is a software platform for visual flow lean management of Hospital-at-Home (HaH) programs. HaH is the community-based provision of services usually associated with acute inpatient care. MedicasaCare helps with the advancement of an alternative model to the traditional acute care in hospitals.
How it WorksWe envision an IoT-based smart HaH holistic system for care planning, services coordination and stakeholders collaboration; with capabilities for patient health biometric monitoring and smart room environmental wellness sensing and supervision.
High Patients / Firms Ratio
Coordination Complexity
Financiers Multiplicity
Potential Investors
HaH vs Traditional
Costs Savings
Global Adjacent Markets
By 2026
Our current goal is to go from a market validated functional prototype to an insanely good MVP for the beachhead market.
We are working on an MVP prototype which is designed around the insights and feedback we obtained throughout our market validation process, where we engaged with real potential customers.
The beachhead market is the HaH (Hospital at Home) market in Argentina, which comprises around 120,000 patients annually, served by 80+ licenced firms and financed by 300+ registered entities.
Medicasa MVP is a fully featured platform for value-based care HaH programs.
The platform consists of a visual flow lean management system for patient-centered distributed and multidisciplinary service delivery.
This is the composition of our capital allocation estimates to navigate from the venture's current state to the spinout stage.
Our model consists of five main categories. The expertise of our core team, a dedicated venture team, an integrated collaborative workspace, a business operating team and a minimalist corporate structure.
Buenos Aires Ciudad
Coworking Space+54 221 543 32 93